All residents and property owners within the library district’s boundaries are eligible for a free library card.
To obtain a card visit the Annex building:
- Adults (18 year and older) – Present some type of valid picture identification showing your name and current address.
- Youth (Kindergarten to 18 years old) – must be in kindergarten and able to print their first and last names. Parents or guardians must co-sign for the card and present valid picture identification showing their name and current address.
The residence rule applies to all adult and youth library cards.
Non-Resident Library Cards
Illinois state law allows libraries to offer library cards to persons who do not reside in the library’s boundaries or own taxable property within the library’s boundaries. The Lincoln Public Library District offers a one year non-resident card to persons in Logan County who meet this criteria. The fee is $93.00 per year and is active for one full year from the date of purchase. The card is intended for the use of the immediate family (husband/father, wife/mother, and their children) and cannot be shared with other persons. Anyone who purchases a non-resident card enjoys all of the rights, privileges, and services available to resident cardholders. Illinois Compiled Statutes, 75 ILCS 16/30-55.60.
- To apply for a Lincoln Public Library District library card you must show proof of your home address. P.O. Boxes cannot be accepted as proof of residency. Children in kindergarten through age 17 are eligible for a library card with their parent/guardian’s permission and signature. Persons who reside outside of the Library’s district boundaries but own taxable property within the boundaries are eligible for a resident card. The requirements for this card are proof of identity and the current tax receipt showing payment. Library cards are not transferable to other persons and patrons must use their own library card.
- Those persons who reside outside of the district’s boundaries and do not own any taxable property within the district boundaries may purchase a one-year non-resident card for $93.00/household. Library cards are not transferable to other persons and patrons must use their own library card.
- Checkout limits for Lincoln Public Library District library materials are: 50 books, 4 videos/DVDs, 4 audio items, 50 magazines, and 2 of any other materials. Additional restrictions may apply to certain collections. Patrons who reach or exceed these limits should return their materials and, upon check in, may have new library materials charged to their card. All interlibrary loans to Lincoln Public Library District card holders are made in accordance with the rules of the lending library and the Illinois Heartland Library System.
- Loan period for Lincoln Public Library District library materials are: 2 weeks for all materials with a one-week grace period. Renewal limits for library materials are: 1 renewal for all materials. Under special circumstances certain items can be extended for a 4-week period pending library approval. You may call the Library at 732-8878 to renew up to 6 items by telephone. The Library is unable to renew any items on interlibrary loan or on reserve for another patron. All interlibrary loans to Lincoln Public Library District card holders are made in accordance with the rules of the lending library and the Illinois Heartland Library System.
- Overdue materials that exceed six months from their due date cannot be returned and must be paid in full by the borrower. Upon completion of the payment the materials become the property of the borrower.
- Patrons may apply for their own personal identification number (PIN) to access all of the benefits of the Library’s online catalog. Patrons can use the Library’s online catalog at www.lincolnpubliclibrary.org to search for library materials, check the status of their account, and renew items one time on their card. PINs are available for adults and juvenile cardholders (parents must sign up for juvenile PINs). The maximum request for items ordered online is 25. Patrons are encouraged to use the My Lists service available with your PIN access. This service allows patrons to establish multiple subject lists, search the online catalog for the desired titles, and deposit those titles into a List for an item reservation request at a later date.
- The replacement fee for a lost card is $1.00. Charges for library materials returned damaged will be accessed according to the damage and the ability to repair or replace the item. Payments for library materials that have exceeded their 6 month due date and have been paid for as “lost” will not be refunded. Payments for materials that have not exceeded their 6 month due date and have been paid for as “lost” will be refunded the item costs minus a $3.00 processing fee. Charges for any lost or damaged library materials will be accessed to the patron’s card.