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Public Body Information
- The purpose of the Lincoln Public Library District is to meet the informational, educational, and recreational needs of the people of Lincoln, IL. These public library services are intended to provide lifelong learning opportunities, offer access to general information for school, work, or life, provide current titles for recreational reading, and develop collections for consumer information and local businesses.
- The operating budget for fiscal year 2019-2020 is expected to be $681,508.00.
- The Library maintains two buildings located at 725 Pekin Street and 622 Broadway Street, Lincoln, IL.
- The Library employs four FTEs and 12 PTEs.
- The Library’s Board of Trustees is the governing authority for the Library. The Library Board meets on the third Thursday of each month at 5:30pm at the Library. The Library Board’s Committees consist of Buildings & Grounds, Finance, Long Range Planning, Personnel, and Library Materials. The Illinois Heartland Library System serves in an advisory capacity to the Library.
- Requests for records under the Freedom of information Act may be made at either Library building, by calling 217-732-8878 to obtain a request form, or by email at directorlpld@gmail.com or lpldtrustees@gmail.com.
The following categories of records are maintained by the Library:
- Monthly Financial Statements
- Annual Reports For Receipts/Disbursements
- Ordinances for Budget/Appropriations and Levies
- Annual Operating Budgets
- Minutes of Meetings
- Library Policies
- Other Adopted Ordinances & Resolutions
- Correspondence
- Annual Reports to the State Library & State Comptroller
- Personnel Records
- Equipment Records
- Inventory Records
- Buildings/Grounds Maintenance Records
- The FOIA Officer is Mike Starasta, Library Director. For more information contact the FOIA Officer at the building addresses, at directorlpld@gmail.com, or at 217-732-8878.
- The Library’s fees are charged in accordance with fees specified in the Illinois FOIA.
- The Library's Prevailing Wage Ordinance is located on the Carnegie Building's bulletin board and is available for public inspection during regular business hours.
- Public Act 101-0504 requires IMRF employers to post a link to the publicly available data used by the Library, as a member of the IMRF. This can be accessed here https://www.imrf.org/en/about-imrf/transparency/employer-cost-and-participation-information